Advertising6 Mistakes to Avoid in your Facebook Paid Ads for your Brisbane Business

6 Mistakes to Avoid in your Facebook Paid Ads for your Brisbane Business

Are your Facebook Ads underperforming? You might be making some serious mistakes that could be costing your business dearly. By taking shortcuts, ignoring best practices, not keeping up with algorithm changes and poorly executing your ads, you run the risk of wasting your money, not achieving the results you’re looking for and more importantly missing out on potential opportunities with prospective customers.
Picture of Written by Success Marketing
Written by Success Marketing

Sunshine Coast's leading marketing agency servicing local and national clients.


Are your Facebook Ads underperforming for your Brisbane business? You might be making some serious mistakes that could be costing your business dearly. By taking shortcuts, ignoring best practices, not keeping up with algorithm changes and poorly executing your ads, you run the risk of wasting your money, not achieving the results you’re looking for and more importantly missing out on potential opportunities with prospective customers. Keep reading to find out the 6 mistakes you should avoid when running Facebook Ads for your Brisbane business.

There are an estimated 2.38 billion monthly active Facebook users worldwide, with an average of 1.56 billion Facebook users logging on every day. Facebook represents a huge market for any business. It is therefore essential that your business sets up and uses Facebook advertising correctly.

With this in mind, let’s take a look at the most common mistakes you could be making and how to avoid them when running your next Facebook Ad campaign for your Brisbane business


Mistake 1: Setting Up the Wrong Marketing Objective


The strength of every effective Facebook Ad campaign is defining your end goal. Setting your marketing objective is the first step when creating a Facebook Ad. Do you want your audience to learn more about your brand, drive traffic to your website or convert an offer?

Choosing the wrong objective will not only lead you down the wrong path in Facebook’s Ad Manager but will ultimately result in you spending money on something you didn’t really want and that doesn’t align with your specific business goal.


Mistake 2: Not defining your audience


The more specific your audience is, the better your Facebook Ad is likely to perform. Remember, it’s all about getting the right message across to the right audience at the right time. Facebook has built-in targeting features that allow you to reach the right type of people. Targeting options include demographics, location, purchasing behaviour, life events, existing contacts and similar or look-alike audiences. One of the most common mistakes is making your audience too broad which means that you’re likely have to redefine our target audience until there’s a match.

Mistake 3: Not using Facebook Pixel


If you aren’t using Facebook Pixel, start now! We’re serious about this. So serious in fact, we wrote a separate article discussing the 7 essential reasons your business needs the Facebook Pixel that you can read here.

But seeing as we have your attention now, we’ll give you the abridged version below.

Facebook Pixel allows you to track interactions with your ad all the way back to your website by using analytics. Tracking and reporting are important elements of any effective marketing strategy. They provide valuable insight on the performance of your Facebook marketing campaign. Failure to incorporate these insights is another mistake commonly made businesses when implementing a Facebook marketing strategy. This presents a huge missed opportunity to connect with people who have been to your website, or have already been to your website but failed to convert. Facebook Pixel allows you to:

  • Track conversion on your website or event page and attribute them to your Facebook Ad
  • Build custom audiences from your website so that you can remarket to them
  • Optimise your Facebook Ad for increased conversions

Mistake 4: Designing Bad Ads


Facebook users have a tonne of content to consume on their feed which means grabbing their attention with a well-designed ad is vital. Now is the time to take a closer look at the design of your Facebook Ad.

Facebook offers several different ad formats to choose from, many of them feature the option of including images and video which increase your chance of a click-through or conversion. Ads that perform well on Facebook typically have the following three elements in common:

  • Eye-catching image
  • Clear, strong headline
  • Concise, compelling message

Mistake 5: Using a Single Ad


When you develop a single Facebook campaign, create one ad group and throw in a solitary ad for good measure, what you’re really doing is underutilising the full potential that Facebook Ads offer your business. If you only use one Facebook Ad, you won’t be able to determine whether another image or message would perform better. By using multiple messages and images in you ad campaign, you quickly learn which ad performs the best and is better suited to advance and achieve your business goal.

Mistake 6: Not Leveraging Professional Expertise


Considering Facebook’s huge audience, developing an effective Facebook marketing strategy that aligns with your business goals will continue to be an important focus.

As the platform evolves and audiences continue to change their behaviour, it takes an increasing amount of expertise to scale your business on Facebook. Our team at Platinum Campaigns are experts in the Facebook arena, keeping up to date with the latest developments in the social media giant’s ad policies and algorithms. Want to ensure that your next Facebook Ad campaign is geared for success and mistake-free?


Need help with Facebook paid ads for your Brisbane business?

With over 1.7 billion users worldwide, no one can argue that this social media giant isn’t a pro in finding out who you are and what you want! This means that Facebook advertising can help even the smallest business thrive.

Our specialist team will help you with a Facebook Ads strategy that works for you!